Termite Inspections: Warmer Weather Means Bug Season



Did you know termites cause over five billion dollars in property damage every year (www.pestworld.org)? This damage isn’t just exclusive to homes constructed primarily of wood either, so don’t think you’re safe from termites just yet if your home is constructed of another material. Homes made from plaster, metal siding, and other materials, can also be affected by termites. And once a home is affected, termites are then able to feed on cabinets, floors, ceilings, and wooden fixtures inside of homes.


Not sure how to tell if the damage you’ve found is that of termites? Infestations typically occur after heavy rainfall when temperatures have started to become warmer. You can typically detect termite damage in the same way water damage is detected, as it may look similar. Some signs could include swollen floors and ceilings or buckling wood. This is especially the case in the situation of a subterranean termite infestation, which is the type of termite most commonly found in Indiana and surrounding states. Damage by subterranean termites can usually be detected by an accumulation of soil in the tunnels of the wood they are eating. Additionally, they can be detected by how they consume wood, which is with the grain instead of across it.


Subterranean termites are among the most destructive termite species. They can be found using their scissor-like jaws to consume wood 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Fortunately they don’t consume wood at a quick rate, however they don’t live alone. Termites live in colonies from just a few thousand to a few million, depending on the species.


 If you suspect a termite infestation in your home, schedule an inspection before damages to your home occur. A termite inspection is inexpensive and can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in repairs if done in time. At Cornerstone, our termite inspections are performed by reliable wood destroying insect inspectors who are licensed through the state chemist office.



 To learn more about our inspection services or scheduling an inspection, click here





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